WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 1, 2017) — In response to recent reports regarding an increase in drug impaired driving, Mothers Against Drunk Driving wants to remind the public that drunk driving is still the biggest cause of traffic deaths and injuries in the nation.
Issues: Drunk Driving
“MADD is devastated that an alleged drunk driver killed one and injured four other children, Thursday night in Polk County Florida, while they were walking home from a bus stop. We are enraged that the alleged offender fled the scene after committing this horrific crime. This was a senseless death and injuries caused by a violent and 100 percent preventable crime. Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of all those impacted.
Tragedies like these are the reason MADD will be in Tallahassee on Monday to call on the Senate Appropriations Committee to improve Florida’s drunk driving law and make sure all drunk drivers are prevented from repeating their crime by using an ignition interlock.”
Sobriety Checkpoints Reduce Drunk Driving Fatalities by 20 Percent 04/05/2017 Contact Information [email protected] JEFFERESON CITY (April 5, 2017) — Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is appalled that the Missouri House of Representatives has voted in favor of a...
Dallas, Texas – St. Patrick’s Day has evolved into a celebration in which people across the nation enjoy festivities, which usually include alcohol. However, accompanying the fun and colorful celebrations is a dark truth: St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most dangerous holidays in the United States. In 2015, 20 people (21 percent of all traffic fatalities) were killed in drunk driving crashes during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday period.
State-by-State Statistics Show Nearly 350,000 Stops in 2016 03/14/2017 Contact Information [email protected] TALLAHASSEE (March 14, 2017) — Today, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) released a 50-state report on the number of times ignition...
02/26/2017 Contact Information [email protected] "MADD is saddened by the alleged drunk driving tragedy in New Orleans. Our hearts are with the victims and their families. Drunk driving is a 100 percent preventable crime, and it's critical that we...
Florida Would Join 28 States with Ignition Interlock Law for All Drunk Drivers 02/24/2017 Contact Information [email protected] TALLAHASSEE (February 24, 2017) — Representative Cord Byrd has introduced HB 949 to require ignition interlocks for all drunk driving offenders...
Safety Council Recommendations Support MADD’s Push for All-Offender Laws in Every State 02/15/2017 Contact Information [email protected] WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 15, 2017) — Today, the National Safety Council estimated up to 40,000 people were killed in traffic crashes on our...
One Statewide Closing Time Needed for Serving Alcohol 02/08/2017 Contact Information [email protected] Denver, CO (February 8, 2017) — Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) opposes HB 1123, legislation that would extend the sale of alcohol in select communities. MADD advocates...
Ignition interlocks have stopped 60,000 drunk driving attempts in Kansas 02/03/2017 Contact Information [email protected] TOPEKA, KANSAS (February 3, 2017) — Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) urges the Kansas Senate Judiciary Committee to vote against SB123. SB123 would...