So far this month, donors have really stepped up to fight against drunk and drugged driving. Thanks to a match by Nationwide®, the gifts are doing TWICE the good. That means spreading TWICE the hope, healing and help.
Thank you so very much for your generous donation to Mothers Against Drunk Driving®.
I cannot tell you what it means to me — as someone who is a victim, advocate, volunteer and, most importantly, Dustin’s mom — that you have committed your support to MADD.
But let us try.

What your gift means
Your gift means that anytime a victim calls night or day, MADD can and will take the call.
Your gift means that when a judge hands down a slap on the wrist instead of justice, we notice — and we work to change the system.
Your gift means when a lawmaker waffles on whether drunk driving laws are REALLY necessary, advocates are there to insist, “YES, these laws are lifesaving.”
We couldn’t achieve any of that without YOU. Please never doubt for a moment that you are making a true, lifesaving differences
MADD pledges to honor your donation by stretching the funds to do the most good. We will act with the utmost integrity with an eye always on our mission.
Again, thank you. You make MADD possible, and you move us closer to a future of No More Victims®.