Together, we raised $29,000 for Giving Tuesday, activating a MATCH from a lead donor and hitting nearly $90,000 total for November!
That means you gave more than a cash or check donation. You provided supportive services to victims and survivors of drunk and drugged driving at no charge. You pushed legislators to pass ignition interlock laws for all offenders. And you told judges and attorneys that you demand more justice in our justice system.
Your gift provides hope, healing and help.

It was true the day Mothers Against Drunk Driving® began, and it remains true today – none of these milestones would be possible without you.
Whether you created a Facebook fundraiser, donated at or simply helped spread our shared message, you made a difference.
Thank you for giving a gift of life and for all you do to ensure more families can make it home for the holidays.
We couldn’t do it without you.